Page 26 - ALMExperts 2024 National Engineering Directory
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Construction Acceleration Claims                        ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2024
        Kenneth J. Stoyack                James M. Miller, PE, PhD
         Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP       President                       Prof. Makarand (Mark)
         Nutley, NJ                        J M Miller Engineering, Inc.    Hastak, PhD, PE,
         Phone: (973) 661-2708             Ann Arbor, MI
         E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com           Phone: (734) 662-6822           CCP, CRIS
                                           Toll Free Phone: (888) 206-4394   Principal Consultant
        (Please see our resume on page 104 for further   E-mail: miller@millerengineering .com  Hastak Consulting
        details.)                                                            Services, LLC
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   8639 Bay Colony Drive
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Indianapolis, IN 46234
              CONSTRUCTION                Labels & Warnings)                 Phone: (765) 430-1981
          ACCELERATION CLAIMS                                                E-mail: hastak@purdue .edu, hastak@gmail .
                                          Rapperport Associates, Inc.        com
                                           Daniel Rapperport                 Web: engineering .purdue .edu/CEM
        Hal K. Cain                        Lexington, MA
         Cain & Associates Engineers &     Phone: (781) 862-9001             Degrees/Licenses: PhD (Civil/CEM) from
                                                                             Purdue University; Advanced Certificates in
                                           Cell: (339) 222-2822
         Constructors, Inc.                E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       Strategic Human Resource Management;
         Mobile, AL                                                          Financial Management; Executive Leadership
         Phone: (251) 473-7781            (Please see our resume on page 101 for further   from Cornell University; Professional Engineer
         Cell: (251) 689-8975             details.)                          (PE); Certified Cost Professional (CCP);
         E-mail: halkcain@aol .com                                           Construction Risk Insurance Specialist
                                          Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   (CRIS); OSHA 30 hr Hazard Recognition
        (Please see our complete listing under the   MBA, CFEI, CFII         Training for the Construction Industry
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Construction Claims)               President & CEO                   Profile: Dr . Hastak is Professor and the
                                           Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Dernlan Family Head of the Division of
                                           LLC                               Construction Engineering and Management
                                                                             as well as Professor of Civil Engineering at
              CONSTRUCTION                 Lubbock, TX                       Purdue University . He has been involved
                 ACCIDENTS                 Phone: (806) 368-9811             with the construction industry for the past
                                           E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  33 years where he has conducted research,
                                                                             taught, and assisted industry in the area of
        Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,     (Please see our resume on page 102 for further   construction engineering and management
        CFEI                                                                 including scheduling, estimating, cost control,
                                                                             infrastructure management, risk management
         Burtness Engineering Services    Cale Robertson                     decision-making, warranties, construction
         White Heath, IL                   Robertson Engineering             safety, construction equipment, process
         Phone: (217) 687-4450             Investigations, LLC (REI)         improvement, modular construction, disaster
         Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000                                         risk reduction, and strategic planning . Dr .
         E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com      Mesilla Park, NM                  Hastak is a Professional Engineer (PE) a
                                           Phone: (575) 644-9595             Construction Risk Insurance Specialist (CRIS)
        (Please see our resume on page 88 for further   E-mail: [email protected]  and a Certified Cost Professional (CCP). As
        details.)                                                            an academic, he has worked on numerous
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   Construction Industry Institute (CII) projects
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Canney Brook Forensic Engineers   Forensic Engineering)              over the past 30 years .
         R Craig Williams PE CFEI CFII                                         Dr . Hastak has authored/co-authored over
         BSME MSAE PhD(abd)                                                  200 publications that relate to warranties,
         Dover, NH                           CONSTRUCTION AND                process improvement, project controls, capital
         Phone: (603) 742-7200                   ENGINEERING                 rehabilitation planning, strategic planning,
         E-mail: solutions@canneybrook .com                                  and decision-making based on his work .
                                                                             He has co-authored a widely used book on
        (Please see our resume on page 90 for further                        Infrastructure Planning, Engineering, and
        details.)                         Dr. John Bryant                    Economics published by McGraw-Hill (2006
                                           PH.D., P.G., P.E., CPG, D.GE,     and 2015) . He has served on the Education
        Prof. Makarand (Mark) Hastak, PhD,   M.ASCE, F.PTI                   Board of the Association for Advancement
        PE, CCP, CRIS                      Bryant Consultants                of Cost Engineering (AACE) for over twelve
                                                                             years (2004-2016) . He edited two books
         Principal Consultant              Carrollton, TX                    for AACE, the 6th edition of the Skills and
         Hastak Consulting Services, LLC   Phone: (972) 713-9109             Knowledge of Cost Engineering (2015) and
         Indianapolis, IN                  E-mail: jbryant@geoneering .com   the 2nd Edition of the CCP Certification Study
         Phone: (765) 430-1981                                               Guide published in spring 2016 .
         E-mail: hastak@purdue .edu, hastak@gmail .  (Please see our resume on page 87 for further
         com                              details.)                          Litigation Support - Dr . Hastak offers expert
                                                                             witness services to attorneys representing
        (Please see our resume on page 95 for further                        both plaintiff and defendant . He has been
        details.)                                                            deposed and served as an expert witness
                                                                             several times in the last years . His services
                                                                             include case reviews, written reports,
                                                                             depositions, arbitrations, and trial testimony
                                                                             as needed .

                                                                             Additional email: hastak@purdue .edu
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 95 for further

        16                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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