Page 22 - ALMExperts 2024 National Engineering Directory
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Chemical Engineering                                    ALM EXPERTS: National Engineering Edition 2024
                                           analysis and infringement cases . Consultant’s
         CHEMICAL ENGINEERING              Alexandria, Virginia location is near the new   CHEMICAL PLANTS
                                           US Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria
                                           and is five miles from the US Circuit Court of
                                           Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which handles
        Dr. Christian W.                   patent and trademark cases, among certain   Dr. Christian W. Knudsen, Sc.D.
        Knudsen, Sc.D. Ch.E.,              other subject national appeals .   Ch.E., P.E., Fellow AIChE, Knudsen
        P.E., Fellow AIChE,                  All chemistry and chemical engineering   Associates
        Knudsen Associates                 categories covered: organic & inorganic   Knudsen Associates
         Knudsen                           chemical, specialty chemical, fine &   Alexandria , VA
         Associates                        pharmaceutical chemical, coal, oil shale,   Phone: (703) 328-6196 (Phone/Text)
                                                                             E-mail: cwknudsen@mac .com
         1603 Mount Eagle Pl .             tar sands, rubber, polymer (plastics), food,
         Alexandria , VA 22302-2122        paper, metals & materials science matters;   (Please see our resume on page 98 for further
         Phone: (703) 328-6196 (Phone/Text)  facilities accidents (fires & explosions incl   details.)
         E-mail: cwknudsen@mac .com        cause & origin); process design & construction
         Web: http://www .chemicalwise .com  including computer process simulation
                                           & control; operations & maintenance; oil,
                                           gas, chemical & energy highway, rail, ship
         Degrees/Licenses: Rice University - B .A .;                          CHEMICAL REACTIONS
         B .S . Chemical Engineering       & pipeline transportation; laboratories,
                                           manufacturing plants & petroleum refineries;
         M .I .T . - S .M . Chemical Engineering; Sc .D .   intellectual property (IP) and patent analysis;
         (Ph .D .) Chemical Engineering                                    Dr. Christian W. Knudsen, Sc.D.
                                           environmental, health, safety & sustainability   Ch.E., P.E., Fellow AIChE, Knudsen
                                           (EHS&S) matters; laboratory accidents;
         Licensed Professional Engineer (P .E . License
         Number 36135) - Texas Board of Professional   environmental & Superfund cases . National   Associates
                                           (USA) and International assignments .
         Engineers, Austin, Texas                                            Knudsen Associates
                                                                             Alexandria , VA
         Memberships:                     (Please see our resume on page 98 for further   Phone: (703) 328-6196 (Phone/Text)
                                          details.)                          E-mail: cwknudsen@mac .com
         American Institute of Chemical Engineers
         (elected to Fellow ‘89 — ca . one percent of                      (Please see our resume on page 98 for further
         membership); American Chemical Society;   CHEMICAL FIRES &        details.)
         and American Society of Mechanical       EXPLOSIONS
         Engineers .
                                                                                CHEMICAL SPILLS/
         Honor Societies:
         Tau Beta Pi (Nat’l Engineering HS); Phi   Dr. Christian W. Knudsen, Sc.D.   EXPOSURE
         Lambda Upsilon (Nat’l Chemistry HS); and   Ch.E., P.E., Fellow AIChE, Knudsen
         Sigma Xi (Nat’l Scientific Research HS).  Associates
                                           Knudsen Associates              James M. Miller, PE, PhD
         Profile: 1969 M .I .T . chemical engineering                        President
         doctorate led to now 51-year career: 1)   Alexandria , VA
         petroleum refining research and development   Phone: (703) 328-6196 (Phone/Text)  J M Miller Engineering, Inc.
         2) coal and oil shale synthetic fuels R&D 3)   E-mail: cwknudsen@mac .com  Ann Arbor, MI
         chemical and petrochemical R&D 4) electric                          Phone: (734) 662-6822
         power R&D 5) lunar materials R&D for NASA   (Please see our resume on page 98 for further   Toll Free Phone: (888) 206-4394
         (including the first two U.S. patents awarded   details.)           E-mail: miller@millerengineering .com
         for lunar technologies) and 6) manufacturing
         plant process design, engineering and   Rapperport Associates, Inc.  (Please see our complete listing under the
         construction of previous categories — all   Daniel Rapperport     following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         with environmental, health, safety and   Lexington, MA            Labels & Warnings)
         sustainability (EHS&S) priorities . ‘56 (start)   Phone: (781) 862-9001
         Rice U, undergrad — ‘61 US Navy, sea-  Cell: (339) 222-2822
         duty operations officer (including Oct. ‘62   E-mail: dan@rapperport .com  CHEMICALS (IP)
         Cuban Missile Crisis) — ‘64 (start) MIT, grad
         school — ‘68 Exxon Research & Engineering,   (Please see our resume on page 101 for further
         research assoc . — ‘74 US Department   details.)
         of Energy, Synfuels head (GS-16) — ‘79                            Dr. Christian W. Knudsen, Sc.D.
         General Electric, Tech Dir — ‘81 Halcon                           Ch.E., P.E., Fellow AIChE, Knudsen
         Scientific Design, Tech Dir — ‘83 Carbotek   Cale Robertson       Associates
         Development Laboratories, owner — 2000   Robertson Engineering
         Knudsen Associates, industry consulting and   Investigations, LLC (REI)  Knudsen Associates
         expert witnessing .               Mesilla Park, NM                  Alexandria , VA
                                           Phone: (575) 644-9595             Phone: (703) 328-6196 (Phone/Text)
         Twenty expert cases, split between plaintiff   E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: cwknudsen@mac .com
         and defendant types — all successful .
         Extensive experience with expert reports,   (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 98 for further
         depositions and trial testimony. Scientific   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   details.)
         quality, professional integrity and rapid   Forensic Engineering)
         results to retaining attorney lead to desirable
         client outcomes in highly adversarial expert
         environment . Best analytical lab results and
         interpretations; excellent complementary
         experts known . Sophisticated computer
         process simulations when needed . Latest
         technology information — constant chemistry
         and engineering professional activities —
         continuing expert witnessing education, e .g .
         2011 SEAK Expert Conference, Naples, FL
         — ongoing fascination with chemistry and new
         developments . Strong IP capability: patent
        12                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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