Page 66 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Compensation (Employment)                        ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
        Harry Bims, Ph.D., EE                                              John Horst, CISSP® - ISSAP®
         Protocomm Systems, LLC            COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS              Chief Technology Officer
         1314 Chilco Street                                                  Xanesti Technology Services,
         Menlo Park, CA 94025                                                LLC
         Phone: (650) 283-4174            Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  San Diego, CA
         Fax: (650) 838-9393
         E-mail: harrybims@me .com         G. Michael Phillips               Phone: (858) 254-8575
                                           Pasadena, CA                      E-mail: john .horst@xanesti .com
         Degrees/Licenses: B .S ., Computer and   Phone: (626) 744-3540
         Systems Engineering; M .S ., Ph .D ., Electrical   E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com  (Please see our complete listing under the
         Engineering                                                       following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                          (Please see our resume on page 392 for further   Computer Security)
         Profile: Harry Bims, Ph .D ., EE, is a   details.)
         technology expert covering the leading data
         networking protocols (mostly wireless) at the                       COMPUTER FORENSICS
         edge of the internet, and  holds twenty-one US   COMPOSITE MATERIALS
         patents in network architecture and protocols
         for wireless communications .                                     Matthew Albee
                                          Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   DataChasers, Inc.
         Dr . Bims provides expert witness support
         services for telecommunications-related   MBA, CFEI, CFII           19510 Van Buren Blvd ., F3-131
         intellectual property litigation . These services   President & CEO  Riverside, CA 92508
         include deposition and court testimony, expert   Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Phone: (951) 534-6294
         reports, and infringement research, for patent,                     E-mail: matt@datachasers .com
         copyright, and trade secret litigation matters .   LLC              Web: http://www .datachasers .com
         He has 20+ years of telecommunications   Lubbock, TX
         industry experience .  Dr . Bims is a subject   Phone: (806) 368-9811  Profile: Since 1996, Mr . Albee has worked
         matter expert in the following areas:   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  criminal investigations as a Special
                                                                             Agent for the State of California where
         * Digital signal processing      (Please see our resume on page 395 for further   his responsibilities include equipping and
         * MAC and PHY layer protocol     details.)                          maintaining the computer forensic laboratory,
         implementations                                                     and conducting investigations that involved
         * Wireless communication protocols - e .g .,                        financial and computer crimes. Since 2012,
         IEEE 802 .11, LTE, Bluetooth, IEEE 802 .15,   COMPUTER CONTRACTS    he has served as a Course Evaluator /Subject
         IEEE 802 .16, ReFLEX                                                Matter Expert for the Office of Anti-Terrorism
         * Wired communication protocols - DSL,                              Assistance (ATA), Diplomatic Security
         DOCSIS, Ethernet, and dialup modem   eCompCONSULTANTS               Service, United States Department of State .
                                           Ivan Zatkovich                    Mr . Albee’s experience with computer
        (Please see our resume on page 393 for further   Principal Consultant  forensics runs the gamut from individual PCs
        details.)                          Tampa, FL                         to major corporations (references available),
                                                                             and includes every level and scope of
                                           Phone: (813) 601-8142             examination . He has consulted to both public
                                           E-mail: ivanzat@ecompconsultants .com  and private organizations and maintain a
              COMPENSATION                                                   complete computer forensics laboratory .
               (EMPLOYMENT)               (Please see our resume on page 365 for further
        Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA        COMPUTER ENGINEERING
         Professor (Emeritus) of Human
         Resource Management
         at prestigious California        Eric B. Cole
         university                        Secure Anchor Consulting
         Fullerton, CA                     Ashburn, VA
         Phone: (714) 879-9705             Phone: (844) 732-2624
         Cell: (714) 595-1891              E-mail: khenry@secure-anchor .com
         E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
         bkleiner@fullerton .edu          (Please see our resume on page 362 for further
        (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Employment)                                COMPUTER
        Joanne Latham, M.A. MFT, CRC,     ENGINEERING-SOFTWARE
        CCM, ABVE/D, CLCP
         Latham Vocational Services, Inc.  Jason Frankovitz
         Encino, CA                        Senior Testifying Expert/
         Phone: (818) 681-1854
         Alt . Phone: (805) 422-8444       Computer Scientist
         E-mail: Joannelatham@lathamvocational .com  Quandary Peak Research
                                           Los Angeles, CA
         Simi Valley, CA                   Phone: (323) 545-3660
         Phone: (805) 527-5500             E-mail: jason@quandarypeak .com
        (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our complete listing under the
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts: Life   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Care Planning (Medical & Health))  Internet)

        44                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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