Page 61 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024                             Claims Handling
                                             BRIAN SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS,
                   CIVIL RIGHTS              CSDS, CMCC, CFSC                  Guy O. Kornblum
                    VIOLATIONS                 DAVID SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS     A Professional Law
                                               SPIEGEL PROPERTY DAMAGE          Corporation
                                               CONSULTING AND FORENSICS         1388 Sutter Street, Suite 805
            Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., CMI-V       LaVerne, CA                      San Francisco, CA 94109
             Forensic Criminologist            Phone: (909) 596-5573            Phone: (415) 440-7800 ext . 2
             Federal/State Courts Police       Cell: (909) 241-0711             Cell: (415) 730-3485
                                                                                E-mail: gkornblum@kornblumlaw .com
                                               Toll Free Phone: (800) 266-8988
             Practices & Premises Liability    E-mail: Brian@SpiegelExpertServices .com  Web: http://www .kornblumlaw .com
             Martinelli & Associates, Justice &   (Please see our resume on page 403 for further   Profile: Guy O . Kornblum has over 45 years of
             Forensic Consultants, Inc.      details.)                          experience in civil litigation, and has qualified
                                                                                as an expert in federal and state court on the
             Boerne, TX                      White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky,       subject of insurance company claims practices
             Phone: (951) 719-1450                                              in many phases of insurance claims handling,
             Alt . Phone: (909) 936-0694     Luna & Hunt LLP                    including the property and casualty area in
             E-mail: code3law@martinelliandassoc .com  Barbara Luna             both the commercial and personal lines area,
                                               John Luna                        health insurance, and the duty to investigate
            (Please see our resume on page 386 for further   Drew Hunt          insurance claims, as well as  insurance
            details.)                                                           company relations with panel and independent
                                               Fred Warsavsky                   counsel. Mr. Kotnblum has also testified on
                                               Jack Zuckerman                   the standard of care in legal malpractice
                CIVIL-STRUCTURAL               Jack White                       cases involving civil litigation issues as well as
                   ENGINEERING                 Partners                         testified on case settlement value. (See United
                                                                                States Fire Ins . Co . v . Button Trans ., A108419,
                                               Contact: Barbara Luna            Cal Ct . Appeal, First Dist ., Div Two, 4/26/06 .
                                               Sherman Oaks, CA                 Slip . Op . 19-24 .)
            Steven B. Norris                   Phone: (818) 981-4226
             Principal Engineer                Toll Free Phone: (866) 981-4226  Mitchell Lee Lathrop
             Architectural & Engineering       E-mail: BLuna@wzwlh .com         Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
             Design Group                    blank  Irvine, CA                  San Diego, CA
             San Marcos, CA                    Phone: (949) 219-9816            Phone: (619) 955-5951
             Phone: (760) 839-7302             Toll Free Phone: (866) 981-4226  Alt . Phone: (619) 985-8262
             E-mail: steve@aeforensics .com    E-mail: BLuna@wzwlh .com         E-mail: mllathrop@earthlink .net

            (Please see our resume on page 354 for further   (Please see our resume on page 410 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the
            details.)                        details.)                         following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                 CLAIMS ANALYSIS                  CLAIMS HANDLING              David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,
                                                                                Risk Management, Insurance,
            Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Advisors/Experts @ MCS          Claims, and Litigation Support    EXPERT CATEGORIES
            MBA, CFEI, CFII                  Associates                         Services
             President & CEO                   Banking, Finance, Insurance      Monrovia, CA
             Real-World Forensic Engineering,   & Real Estate Consultants and   Phone: (626) 533-5679
             LLC                               Experts                          E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com
             Lubbock, TX                       Tustin, CA                      (Please see our resume on page 396 for further
             Phone: (806) 368-9811             Phone: (949) 263-8700           details.)
             E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  E-mail: experts@mcsassociates .com
                                                                               BRIAN SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS,
            (Please see our resume on page 395 for further   (Please see our resume on page 351 for further
            details.)                        details.)                         CSDS, CMCC, CFSC
                                                                                DAVID SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS
            David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,   Robert M. Anderson              SPIEGEL PROPERTY DAMAGE
            AAI                                The Anderson Edge                CONSULTING AND FORENSICS
             Risk Management, Insurance,       Newport Beach, CA                LaVerne, CA
             Claims, and Litigation Support    Phone: (949)  645-6842           Phone: (909) 596-5573
             Services                          E-mail: bob@theandersonedge .com  Cell: (909) 241-0711
                                                                                Toll Free Phone: (800) 266-8988
             Monrovia, CA                    (Please see our resume on page 353 for further   E-mail: Brian@SpiegelExpertServices .com
             Phone: (626) 533-5679           details.)
             E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com                                   (Please see our resume on page 403 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 396 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              39
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