Page 32 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ADA Discrimination                               ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
        L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta          Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
         Nolta Consulting                  Professor (Emeritus) of Human        ADA EMPLOYMENT
         San Diego, CA                     Resource Management
         Phone: (858) 232-9299             at prestigious California
         E-mail: Fred@NoltaConsulting .com                                 Beth Brascugli De Lima,
        (Please see our resume on page 388 for further   Fullerton, CA     MBA, SPHR-CA, SHRM-
        details.)                          Phone: (714) 879-9705           SCP
                                           Cell: (714) 595-1891              Principal/ President
                                           E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   HRM Consulting, Inc.
           ADA DISCRIMINATION              bkleiner@fullerton .edu           304 East Highway 4
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   Murphys, California 95247
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (209) 728-8905
        Beth Brascugli De Lima, MBA,      Employment)                        Fax: (209) 728-8970
        SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP                                                    E-mail: bdelima@hrmconsulting .com
                                                                             Web: http://www .hrmconsulting .com
         Principal/ President             Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.
         HRM Consulting, Inc.              Medical Director                blank  P .O . Box 2625
         Murphys, California               Forensic Psychiatric Associates   Murphys, CA 95247
         Phone: (209) 728-8905             (
         E-mail: bdelima@hrmconsulting .com  Covina, CA                      Degrees/Licenses: MBA, Organization
                                           Phone: (415) 388-8040             Behavior & Human Resources, California
         Murphys, CA                       E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com     State University, Sacramento, 1992
                                                                             Masters Work in Organizational
        (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 429 for further   Communication, University of Arizona,
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   details.)          Tucson, 1989
        ADA Employment)                                                      B .S ., Family and Consumer Resources,
                                          Lisa Suhonos MS, CDMS, CEAS,       University of Arizona, Tucson, 1988
        Jay M. Finkelman, PhD, MBA, MLS,   IPEC, ABVE/D
        ABPP, CPE                          Vocational Consultant & Expert    Profile: Beth Brascugli De Lima (MBA,
                                                                             iMBA) is nationally and California State
         Affiliate Professor, Industrial   Suhonos’ Occupational           certified as a Senior Professional in Human
         & Business Psych Dept. The        Services, Inc.                    Resources (SPHR-CA and SHRM-SCP),
         Chicago School: California Univ.   Sacramento, CA                   has been appointed to sit on the Employee
         that trains HR Professionals      Phone: (916) 349-9300             Health, Safety, and Security Special Expertise
                                                                             Panel, is a certified mediator, U.C. Berkeley
         across the U.S.                   Toll Free Phone: (800) 221-4253   Extension Program .
         San Diego, CA                     E-mail: VocExperts@Suhonos .com
         Phone: (213) 615-7267                                               She has over 30 years of experience as an
         Cell: (213) 361-6106             (Please see our resume on page 405 for further   expert in the Americans with Disabilities
         E-mail: [email protected]  details.)                  Act (ADA) and the Family Medical Leave
                                                                             Act (FMLA) . She teaches seminars on
        (Please see our resume on page 371 for further                       complex California Medial Leaves throughout
        details.)                                                            California and the US all while working with
                                                                             organizations to provide HR training to their
                                                                             employees and related consulting services .

                                                                             As a Human Resource Management
                                                                             Consultant, she provides consultation,
                                                                             training, workshops, and webinars regarding
                                                                             HR industry standards for implementing
                                                                             effective strategies and related personnel
                                                                             management regulations to the Society for
                                                                             Human Resource Management (SHRM)
                                                                             chapters, the International Public Management
                                                                             Association for Human Resources (IPMA),
                                                                             public, private, and non-profit organizations,
                                                                             as well as training for other industry
                                                                             professionals .

                                                                             Ms. De Lima is well qualified for plaintiff or
                                                                             defense expert work in many aspects of
                                                                             employment litigation . Her Expert Witness
                                                                             services include HR wrongful termination,
                                                                             retaliation, sexual harassment, wage
                                                                             and hours, FEHA, CFRA, ADA, & labor
                                                                             market/vocational assessments for use in
                                                                             employment law, personal injury, & divorce .
                                                                           Mark I. Levy, MD, D.L.F.A.P.A.
                                                                             Medical Director
                                                                             Forensic Psychiatric Associates
                                                                             Covina, CA
                                                                             Phone: (415) 388-8040
                                                                             E-mail: forensics@fpamed .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 429 for further

        10                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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