Page 29 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024                                 Accounting

            John Tyson JD , PE                        ACCIDENTS
             Senior Consulting
             AR Tech Forensic                Alpine Engineering & Design, Inc.
             Experts Inc.                      David Smith, MS, MBA, PE, CSP
                                               Vice President
             18075 Ventura Blvd .                                              White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky,
             Suite 209                         Alpine , UT                     Luna & Hunt LLP
             Encino, CA 91316                  Phone: (801) 763-8484
             Phone: (818) 317-1964             E-mail: dsmith@alpineeng .com    Barbara Luna
             Fax: (818) 344-3777                                                John Luna
             E-mail: johntysonpe@aol .com    (Please see our resume on page 352 for further   Drew Hunt
             Web: https://johntysonpe .com   details.)
                                                                                Fred Warsavsky
             Degrees/Licenses: BS Eng Mech ., MS   Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,   Jack Zuckerman
             Eng; J .D .; Reg . Prof . Engineer; Licensed   FACS                Jack White
             Engineering Contractor; Fellow American   Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon  Partners
             Board Forensic Examiners; Diplomate
             American Board Forensic Engineering &   Brimfield, IL              Contact: Barbara Luna
             Technology                        Phone: (708) 334-6754            15490 Ventura Boulevard
                                               E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com       Suite 300
             Profile: Perform  digital scanning and 3D   (Please see our resume on page 423 for further   Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
             modeling, animation of vehicles , roadways,                        Phone: (818) 981-4226
             equipment,  landscaping and buildings   details.)                  Fax: (818) 981-4278
             Accident Reconstruction: Vehicle accident                          Toll Free Phone: (866) 981-4226
             reconstruction, computer simulations and   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   E-mail: BLuna@wzwlh .com
             animation . Auto, pedestrian, bicycle, trucking   MBA, CFEI, CFII  Web: http://www .wzwlh .com
             accidents . Occupant kinematics .    President & CEO              blank
             Premises Liability: Slip/Trip and Fall .                           4 Park Plaza
             Coefficient of Friction testing. Lighting.   Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Suite 200
             Stairways/Ramps/Handrails . Building Code   LLC                    Irvine, CA 92614
             analysis . Consulting expert to numerous   Lubbock, TX             Phone: (949) 219-9816
             cities, buildings, theme parks, restaurant,   Phone: (806) 368-9811  Fax: (949) 219-9095
             supermarket and hotel chains .    E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  Toll Free Phone: (866) 981-4226
             Industrial accidents: Machine Guarding .                           E-mail: BLuna@wzwlh .com
             Safety . Design/failure analysis . Product   (Please see our resume on page 395 for further   Web: http://www .wzwlh .com
             Failure; Furniture, appliances . Human Factors/  details.)
             Visibility . Over 8000 cases in 34 years of                        Degrees/Licenses: PhD’s, MBA’s, JD’s,
             Forensic Investigation . Extensive Expert trial                    CPA’s, CFF’s, CFE’s, ASA’s, CVA’s, ABV’s,
             experience . Court appointed expert criminal   ACCOUNTING          CGREA’s, CREA’s, CCRA’s
             cases .
                                                                                Profile: Barbara Luna, PhD, CPA, CFE, CFF,
                                                                                ASA, CVA, ABV, CGREA
             ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS            Fulcrum Inquiry
                                               Renee Howdeshell                 John S. Luna, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE, JD, MBA  EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               Los Angeles, CA                    Expert witness testimony for complex litigation
            Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,       Phone: (213) 787-4100            involving damage analyses of lost profits,
            FACS                               E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com  reasonable royalties, lost earnings, and
             Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon   (Please see our resume on page 373 for further   lost value of business, forensic accounting,
             Brimfield, IL                   details.)                          fraud investigation, investigative analysis of
                                                                                liability, marital dissolution, and tax planning
             Phone: (708) 334-6754                                              and preparation . Excellent communicators
             E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com      Wayne B. Norris                    with extensive testimony experience . Prior
                                               Principal                        Big Four accountants . Specialties include:
            (Please see our resume on page 423 for further                      accounting, breach of contract, breach of
            details.)                          Norris Associates Technologies   fiduciary duty, business interruption, business
                                               Santa Barbara, CA
                                               Phone: (805) 962-7703            dissolution, construction defects, delays and
                                               E-mail: Wayne@Norris-Associates .com  cost overruns, fraud investigation, intellectual
                                                                                property including patent, trademark and
                                             (Please see our resume on page 389 for further   copyright infringement and trade secrets,
                                             details.)                          malpractice, marital dissolution, personal
                                                                                injury, product liability, real estate, securities,
                                                                                separate and community property, spousal
                                                                                support, tracing, taxation, unfair advertising,
                                                                                unfair competition, valuation of business, white
                                                                                collar crime and wrongful termination .
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 410 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                               7
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