Page 145 - ALMExperts 2024 Southwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2024                                               Waterhammer
                                                                               ProConsul Experts
                     WARNINGS                   WARNINGS & LABELS               Expert Witnesses in Multiple
                                                                                Technical and Medical Categories
                                                                                Local Experts, Nationwide
            ProConsul Experts                Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Service
             Expert Witnesses in Multiple    LLC                                LONG BEACH, CA
             Technical and Medical Categories  Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,     Phone: (800) 392-1119
             Local Experts, Nationwide         MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &    E-mail: expert@expertinfo .com, Rebecca .
             Service                           CEO                              debutts@expertinfo .com
             LONG BEACH, CA                    Lubbock, TX                     (Please see our resume on page 201 for further
             Phone: (800) 392-1119             Phone: (806) 773-7787           details.)
             E-mail: expert@expertinfo .com, Rebecca .  E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,
             debutts@expertinfo .com           jrasty@rwfei .com
                                                                               Real-World Forensic Engineering,
            (Please see our resume on page 201 for further   (Please see our resume on page 202 for further   LLC
            details.)                        details.)                          Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
                                                                                MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
            Real-World Forensic Engineering,                                    CEO
            LLC                               WATER LEAKS/MOISTURE              Lubbock, TX
             Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,             INTRUSION                 Phone: (806) 773-7787
             MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &                                      E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,
             CEO                                                                jrasty@rwfei .com
             Lubbock, TX                     James R. Drebelbis, AIA, PE, NAFE  (Please see our resume on page 202 for further
             Phone: (806) 773-7787             Drebelbis Engineering           details.)
             E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,   Dallas, TX
             jrasty@rwfei .com                 Phone: (214) 468-8118
                                               E-mail: jim@drebelbisengineering .com
            (Please see our resume on page 202 for further                            WATER RIGHTS
            details.)                        (Please see our resume on page 178 for further
                                                                               Charles R. Porter, Jr., Ph.D.
                   WARNINGS &                                                   Real Estate & Construction
                  INSTRUCTIONS                                                  Expert
                                                                                Austin, TX
                                                                                Phone: (512) 627-3793
                                                                                E-mail: crporter@sbcglobal .net
            ACS Engineering & Safety, LLC.
             Spring, TX                      Bland F. Harper, AIA              (Please see our resume on page 200 for further
             Phone: (281) 353-8224             President / Architect / Consultant  details.)
             E-mail: eaj@acs-consulting .com   Harper-Brawner, LLC
                                               1901 Central Drive, Suite 811
            (Please see our resume on page 165 for further   Bedford, TX 76021
            details.)                          Phone: (817) 633-3334                  WATER TANKS                 EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               Cell: (214) 632-0121
            Bradley N. Plank, PE               Fax: (817) 633-3923
             Plank M&ME, LLC                   E-mail: bland@harperbrawner .com  Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             Mechanical & Metallurgical        Web: http://www .harperbrawner .com  LLC
             Engineer                          Degrees/Licenses: Registered Architect -   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
             Dallas, TX                        State of Texas                   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
             Phone: (214) 399-4844                                              CEO
             E-mail: brad@plankmme .com        Profile: Harper-Brawner uses our expertise to   Lubbock, TX
                                               assist attorneys on cases involving roofing and   Phone: (806) 773-7787
            (Please see our resume on page 199 for further   waterproofing construction defects in all types   E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,
            details.)                          of construction for plaintiffs and defendants,   jrasty@rwfei .com
                                               and we have extensive experience with
            Real-World Forensic Engineering,   depositions and court testimony .  We are   (Please see our resume on page 202 for further
            LLC                                an architectural firm specializing in issues   details.)
             Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,      with deterioration at building exteriors and
                                               work with existing buildings that have water
             MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &     intrusion through walls, roofs, plaza decks,   WATERHAMMER
             CEO                               below grade, canopies, balconies, doors,
             Lubbock, TX                       and window systems .  Our work includes
             Phone: (806) 773-7787             review, analysis, water testing, destructive   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,   investigation, and procedures to identify
             jrasty@rwfei .com                 the problem sources .  We design required   LLC
                                               remedial work, estimate construction costs,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
            (Please see our resume on page 202 for further   prepare construction documents, assist with   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
            details.)                          bidding, and perform construction phase   CEO
                                               services .
                                                                                Lubbock, TX
                                             (Please see our resume on page 185 for further   Phone: (806) 773-7787
                                             details.)                          E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,
                                                                                jrasty@rwfei .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 202 for further

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