Page 136 - ALMExperts 2024 Southwestern Directory
P. 136

SWAT Police Training                                          ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2024

          SWAT POLICE TRAINING                SYSTEM ANALYSIS/                       TAXATION
        Spencer Fomby                                                      GMCO Forensics
         Law Enforcement Tactical         Charles R. Porter, Jr., Ph.D.      George Mendez, CPA, CVA
         Consultants                       Real Estate & Construction        San Antonio, TX
         Sacramento, CA                    Expert                            Phone: (469) 248-4477
         Phone: (916) 595-0560             Austin, TX                        Cell: (469) 248-4476
         E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net    Phone: (512) 627-3793             E-mail: george@georgemendez .com,
                                                                             colleen@georgemendez .com
                                           E-mail: crporter@sbcglobal .net
        (Please see our resume on page 181 for further
        details.)                                                          (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
                                          (Please see our resume on page 200 for further   details.)
                SWAT TEAMS                                                             TAXES
                                               SYSTEM FAILURE

        Spencer Fomby
         Law Enforcement Tactical         ACS Engineering & Safety, LLC.   Charles R. Porter, Jr., Ph.D.
         Consultants                       Spring, TX                        Real Estate & Construction
         Sacramento, CA                    Phone: (281) 353-8224             Expert
         Phone: (916) 595-0560             E-mail: eaj@acs-consulting .com   Austin, TX
         E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net                                      Phone: (512) 627-3793
                                          (Please see our resume on page 165 for further   E-mail: crporter@sbcglobal .net
        (Please see our resume on page 181 for further   details.)
        details.)                                                          (Please see our resume on page 200 for further
                                               TAX APPRAISALS
              SWIMMING POOL
                                                                            TECHNOLOGY LICENSING
                                          Rudy R. Robinson III, MAI
        ProConsul Experts                  Austin Valuation Consultants,
         Expert Witnesses in Multiple      Ltd.                            Eric B. Cole
         Technical and Medical Categories  Georgetown, TX                    Secure Anchor Consulting
         Local Experts, Nationwide         Phone: (512) 328-8122,  Ext . 1   Ashburn, VA
                                                                             Phone: (844) 732-2624
         Service                           E-mail: rrr@austinval .com, cla@austinval .com  E-mail: khenry@secure-anchor .com
         LONG BEACH, CA                   (Please see our resume on page 167 for further
         Phone: (800) 392-1119            details.)                        (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
         E-mail: expert@expertinfo .com, Rebecca .                         details.)
         debutts@expertinfo .com
        (Please see our resume on page 201 for further   TAX DISPUTES        TECHNOLOGY PATENTS
                                          Steven Bankler, CPA, PFS, Cr.FA,   Michael Nranian
              SWIMMING POOL               CFF, CGMA                          AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN ANALYSIS
              CONSTRUCTION                 Steven Bankler, CPA, Ltd.         South Lyon, MI
                                           Dallas, TX                        Phone: (248) 376-0338
                                           Phone: (210) 691-3133             Cell: (248) 446-4052
        James R. Drebelbis, AIA, PE, NAFE  Cell: (888) 683-2727              E-mail: mnranian@charter .net
         Drebelbis Engineering             E-mail: rhamilton@expertcommunications .
         Dallas, TX                                                        (Please see our resume on page 168 for further
         Phone: (214) 468-8118            (Please see our resume on page 170 for further
         E-mail: jim@drebelbisengineering .com  details.)
                                                                           Eric B. Cole
        (Please see our resume on page 178 for further                       Secure Anchor Consulting
        details.)                                                            Ashburn, VA
                                                TAX PLANNING                 Phone: (844) 732-2624
                                                                             E-mail: khenry@secure-anchor .com
                                          Steven Bankler, CPA, PFS, Cr.FA,   (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
                                          CFF, CGMA                        details.)
                                           Steven Bankler, CPA, Ltd.
                                           Dallas, TX                      David H. Williams
                                           Phone: (210) 691-3133             E911-LBS Consulting
                                           Cell: (888) 683-2727              St . Louis, MO
                                           E-mail: rhamilton@expertcommunications .  Phone: (203) 423-9015
                                           com                               E-mail: dwilliams@LBSGlobe .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 170 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          details.)                        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                                                           Cellular Evidence Analysis)

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