Page 98 - ALMExperts 2024 Southeastern Directory
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Metals/Steel                                                  ALM EXPERTS: Southeastern Edition 2024

               METALS/STEEL                  MOLD REMEDIATION               MORTGAGE POLICY/LOAN
        Rapperport Associates, Inc.       Ted W. Simon, Ph.D., DABT
         Daniel Rapperport                 Ted Simon LLC                   Nelson A. Locke, Esq.
         Lexington, MA                     Winston, GA                       Compliance Services
         Phone: (781) 862-9001             Phone: (770) 359-9807
         Cell: (339) 222-2822              E-mail: ted@tedsimon-toxicology .com  and Locke Law, US
         E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com                                      7800 Preston Road, Suite 113
                                          (Please see our resume on page 197 for further   Plano, TX 75024
        (Please see our resume on page 193 for further   details.)           Phone: (800) 656-4584
        details.)                                                            Alt . Phone: (305) 951-2785
                                                                             Fax: (954) 251-4923
                                                                             E-mail: nl@lockelaw .us
                                           MOLD/WATER PROPERTY               Web: http://www .lockelaw .us
          MOLD & FUNGAL ORIGIN                     INTRUSION
              AND CAUSATION                                                  Degrees/Licenses: BA, JD, NMLS

                                          Ann E. Reisch, CRE, CCIM, CPM,     Profile: Licensed California Attorney also
        Advanced Building Consultants     RPA                                admitted to certain California, Florida,
         Clinton J. Ford, MS, ACA, CGC,    Reisch Consulting Group, Inc.     Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas Federal
                                                                             Districts .
         CIAQM, CIE, CMR, CRMI...          Incline Village, NV               NMLS and SAFE ACT Licensed - Florida and
         Serving All of Florida and        Phone: (407) 628-2742             Texas .
         Southeastern States               Toll Free Phone: (855) 503-0678   FHA Direct Endorsement Underwriter .
                                                                             Federally Admitted Experienced Expert
         Alachua, FL                       E-mail: areisch@reischconsulting .com  Witness .
         Phone: (386) 462-9144            (Please see our resume on page 195 for further   HUD and FHA HECM Reverse Mortgages -
         Cell: (352) 514-1087             details.)                          Industry Expert .
         Toll Free Phone: (352) 451-1700                                     Reverse Mortgage Industry Expert .
         E-mail: constructionconsultant@windstream .                         HUD or FHA Agency Audit Management and
         net                                                                 Defense - Nationwide .
                                             MORTGAGE BANKING                TILA Truth in Lending Act Expert .
        (Please see our resume on page 168 for further                       RESPA Real Estate Settlement Procedures
        details.)                                                            Act Expert .
                                          Nelson A. Locke, Esq.              HOEPA Home ownership Equity Protection
                                           Compliance Services and Locke     Act Expert .
           MOLD & TOXICOLOGY               Law, US                           Regulation Z Expert .
                                           Plano, TX                         SAFE ACT, HERA, and Dodd-Frank
                                                                             Consultant - Nationwide .
                                           Phone: (800) 656-4584
        Advanced Building Consultants      Alt . Phone: (305) 951-2785       CFPB Analyst .
                                                                             SEC and SOX Consultant - former CEO of
         Clinton J. Ford, MS, ACA, CGC,    E-mail: nl@lockelaw .us           public company .
         CIAQM, CIE, CMR, CRMI...                                            FTCA Federal Tort Claims Act Consultant -
         Serving All of Florida and       (Please see our resume on page 186 for further   Negligent Government Conduct .
         Southeastern States                                                 Medical Marijuana Cooperative Formation and
                                                                             Administration .
         Alachua, FL                                                         CBX and FYLSE Test Taking Tutor .
         Phone: (386) 462-9144                MORTGAGE FRAUD
         Cell: (352) 514-1087                                              (Please see our resume on page 186 for further
         Toll Free Phone: (352) 451-1700                                   details.)
         E-mail: constructionconsultant@windstream .
         net                              Nelson A. Locke, Esq.
                                           Compliance Services and Locke
        (Please see our resume on page 168 for further   Law, US                  MOTORCYCLES
        details.)                          Plano, TX
                                           Phone: (800) 656-4584
        Dr. James C. Norris                Alt . Phone: (305) 951-2785     Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   E-mail: nl@lockelaw .us          Daniel Rapperport
         Pharmacology                                                        Lexington, MA
         Benton, AR                       (Please see our resume on page 186 for further   Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                                                             Cell: (339) 222-2822
         Phone: (815) 955-5838                                               E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 193 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 190 for further
        details.)                                                          details.)
        Ted W. Simon, Ph.D., DABT
         Ted Simon LLC
         Winston, GA
         Phone: (770) 359-9807
         E-mail: ted@tedsimon-toxicology .com
        (Please see our resume on page 197 for further

        82                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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