Page 171 - ALMExperts 2024 Southeastern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southeastern Edition 2024                                        Psychological Injuries

            Kenneth E. DiNella, M.D.              PSYCHOLOGICAL &                    PSYCHOLOGICAL
             P .O . Box 686                    NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL                        INJURIES
             Americus, GA 31709                TESTING ASSESSMENTS
             Phone: (229) 942-3075
             Fax: (229) 928-8919                                               Linnda Durré, Ph.D.,
             E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .
             com                             Alissa Sherry, Ph.D.,             LMHC, CFMHE
                                             ABPP                               PO Box 1093
             (Mailing Address)                 Munevar Sherry, PLLC             Winter Park, FL 32790
             Americus, GA 31709                                                 Phone: (321) 948-0164
             Phone: (229) 942-3075             1301 S . Capital of Texas        Alt . Phone: (818) 271-0204
             Fax: (229) 928-8919               Highway; Building C; Suite 100   E-mail: Linnda .Durre@icloud .
             E-mail: kdinella2228@gmail .com   Austin, TX 78746                 com
                                               Phone: (512) 695-9878            Web: http://www .SurvivingTheToxicWorkplace .
                                               E-mail: asherry@munevarsherry .com
             Degrees/Licenses: M .D ., State of Georgia                         com
                                               Web: http://www .munevarsherry .com
             Profile: Duke-trained, board-certified   Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D . Psychology;   Degrees/Licenses: B .A . Human
             psychiatrist with over 30 years of professional                    Development, M .A .& Ph .D . Psychology,
             experience, including chief of staff and   Board Certified by the American Board of   Florida LMHC
                                               Professional Psychology Licensed in Texas,
             medical director . Experienced expert witness   Michigan, Florida, & APIT . Able to practice in   License - FL #MH6058, NBFE/CFMHE -
             in child custody, civil and criminal matters .   other states in many circumstances  #000234
             Completed 126 hours of SEAK expert witness
             training courses . Teaching experience at                          Profile: Dr . Linnda Durré has been an
             Duke University Medical Center . Former Chief   Profile: Dr. Alissa Sherry is a Board-Certified   expert witness for 48 years and a licensed
             Outpatient Resident at Duke’s Psychiatric   Forensic Psychologist and former tenured   psychotherapist for 45 years . She has been
             Residency program . Magna Cum Laude   professor and researcher . Published .   qualified as an expert in ten (10) different
                                               Licensed 2003 . Expert in Psychological
             graduate (psychology major) of Vanderbilt                          states: FL, GA, CT, WA, TN, IA, AL, CA, AR
             University with high honors in psychology .  Evaluations and Neuropsychological   and NY . Her areas of expertise are Personal
                                               Evaluations, Assessment of Emotional   Injury Law, Employment Law, Family Law,
                                               Trauma (PTSD), Civil Rights Violations,
            (Please see our resume on page 201 for further   Police Brutality in Communities of Color,   and Criminal Law . She has consulted
            details.)                                                           with attorneys on jury selection, cases,
                                               Race Discrimination, Sex Discrimination,   and strategy . She was selected from 200
                                               Age Discrimination, Sexual Harassment,   applicants in a national search to host, “Ask
                                               Racial Harassment, Cognitive and Racial   the Family Therapist” for a year on America’s
                                               Bias, Cruel and Inhumane treatment/  Health Network (AHN), which was associated
                                               conditions during incarceration, Wrongful   with Mayo Clinic . She was vetted by both
                                               Termination, Employment Discrimination,   companies . AHN was a cable network of
                                               Medical malpractice, Daubert Challenges,   seven (7) doctor shows, two hours daily 24/7,
                                               Mental Health ethics, Child Suggestibility,   airing from Universal Studios Orlando . She
                                               False Allegations, Police Interrogation Tactics,   has served on panels at and has presented
                                               Parental Alienation, Custody Evaluations   PowerPoint seminars for attorneys at FJA
                                               (2nd opinions), Eyewitness/Memory, Trial   - Florida Justice Association - on how to
                                               Competence and competence in all stages of   use, maximize, and treat expert witnesses .
                                               the criminal process, Intellectual Functioning   She has presented PowerPoint seminars to
                                               and Intellectual Disability, Americans with   professional counseling associations on “How
                                               Disabilities Act, Child Development, Traumatic   to Be An Expert Witness,” including CFAMFT
                                               Brain Injury, and Post traumatic Stress   and MHCCF .
                                               Disorder (PTSD) .
                                                                                Dr . Durre’ also hosted and produced two call-
                                             (Please see our resume on page 211 for further   in advice talk radio shows, “The Dr . Linnda
                                             details.)                          Durré Show,” on WDBO Orlando (Cox), and
                                                                                “Let’s Talk with Dr . Linnda Durré,” on a NY
                                                                                NPR affiliate. She has appeared on Oprah, 60
                                                                                Minutes, Today Show, GMA, O’Reilly (twice),
                                                                                local and/or national news on NBC, CBS,
                                                                                ABC, CNN, Fox, CW, NPR, and PBS . She was
                                                                                the weekly psychotherapist on CW’s nationally  MEDICAL EXPERTS
                                                                                syndicated morning show, “The Daily Buzz” for
                                                                                nine (9) months . She is the author of Surviving
                                                                                the Toxic Workplace . Protect yourself
                                                                                against the Co-workers, Bosses and work
                                                                                environments that poison your day (McGraw-
                                                                                Hill 2010) .

                                                                                Dr . Durré has worked with national, state,
                                                                                and local law firms in many states, as well as
                                                                                prosecutors, and both plaintiff and defense
                                                                                attorneys .

                                                                                Dr. Durré is a Certified Forensic Mental Health
                                                                                Evaluator (certification #000234); awarded
                                                                                by the National Board of Forensic Evaluators .
                                                                                http://www .NBFE .net
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 202 for further

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