Page 127 - ALMExperts 2024 Southeastern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southeastern Edition 2024                                       Toxicology (Chemicals)

                   TOXICOLOGY                Dr. James C. Norris               Ted W. Simon, Ph.D.,
                                               Expert Witness                  DABT
                                               in Toxicology and                Ted Simon LLC
            Daniel E. Buffington,              Pharmacology                     4184 Johnston Road
            PharmD, MBA                        6106 Worth Avenue                Winston, GA 30187
             Clinical Pharmacology             Benton, AR 72019                 Phone: (770) 359-9807
             Services &                        Phone: (815) 955-5838            E-mail: ted@tedsimon-toxicology .com
             Am Institute of                   E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Web: http://www .tedsimon-toxicology .com
             Pharmaceutical                    Web: norrisconsultingservices .com  Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D . Diplomate of the
             Sciences                          Profile: Dr . Norris has training in both   American Board of Toxicology
             Clinical Pharmacology Services,   pharmacology and toxicology and has been
             Inc.                              practicing toxicology for over 20 years . He is   Profile: Dr . Simon is an award-winning
                                                                                toxicologist and scientist with 10+ years’
             6285 Fowler Avenue                a recognized expert witness in pharmacology   experience as a toxicologist employed by
                                               and toxicology for deposition and trial
             Tampa, FL 33617                   testimonies (Civil, Criminal, and Military   the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
             Phone: (813) 983-1500             courts; Plaintiff and Defense) in the United   and following that, 10+ years consulting and
             Cell: (813) 679-0792              States, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong .   expert witness experience . At EPA Region 4,
             Fax: (813) 983-1501               He has provided testimony to governmental   he served as senior toxicologist in the waste
             E-mail: [email protected], danbuffington@  agencies, served as an industrial site crisis   management division working on risk and
             cpshealth .com                    team member, and acted as a consultant to   soil cleanup .  His experience as an expert
             Web: http://www .cpshealth .com   media (BBC) . Dr . Norris’ employment titles   witness includes issues with alcohol and
                                               have included: Assistant Vice President of   cannabis, DUI and dram shop, environmental
             Degrees/Licenses: Doctor of Pharmacy   Toxicology & Carcinogenesis and Head of   risk, Illegal drugs, pharmaceuticals, accidental
             (PharmD); Master of Business Administration   Inhalation Toxicology . He is a diplomate of   poisoning, and intellectual property . He is well
             (MBA); Pharmacy Practice Residency, and   the American Board of Toxicology and an EU   published, including a textbook on toxicology
             Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship  Registered Toxicologist .        and environmental risk assessment, several
                                                                                book chapters, and many peer reviewed
             Profile: Over 30 years of experience as   Areas of Expertise:      papers . His expertise covers toxicology,
             expert witness in healthcare law pertaining to   Chemicals Accidents, Drug Toxicology (Drug   risk assessment, mathematical modeling,
             clinical pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacy   Testing), Drug Testing, Chemicals, Pesticides/  statistics, neuroscience, and environmental/
             and medical malpractice, substance use   Biocides, Toxicology Risk Assessment,   ecological health issues. He has specific
             disorders, aggravating & mitigation factors,   Building Fires, Chemical Fires & Explosions,   interest and expertise in the effects and testing
             long term care, and child custody . Objective   Plastics Fires, Drug Effects/Reactions, Drug   of alcohol, marijuana and pharmaceuticals,
             and intense review of case materials with   Induced Lung Disease, Drug Toxicology,   perfluorinated chemicals, arsenic, chromium,
             guidance on both the strengths and weakness   Epidemiology (Cancer), Medical Liability,   benzene and other solvents . He is a
             during case development . criminal, civil,   Medical Malpractice, Medical Toxicology,   gifted speaker with extensive national and
             patents, regulatory, and intellectual property   Pharmacology, Industrial Toxicology, Mold &   international public speaking experience and
             experience . Consultant to clinical and forensic   Toxicology, Occupational, Environmental &   has 15+ years teaching experience .
             laboratories, law enforcement, local, military,   Medical Toxicology, Toxicology, Toxicology
             state and federal agencies . Faculty at the   (Chemicals), Product Liability, Drugs   (Please see our resume on page 197 for further
             University of South Florida’s Colleges of   Chemistry and Pharmacology  details.)
             Medicine and Pharmacy with several other
             academic affiliations.          (Please see our resume on page 190 for further
                                             details.)                                 TOXICOLOGY                 EXPERT CATEGORIES
             * Pharmacology & Toxicology
             * Standard of care for pharmacy and medical                               (CHEMICALS)
             (prescribing and medication management)
             * Causation (related to pharmacology and
             toxicology)                                                       Dr. James C. Norris
             * Criminal and Civil experience                                    Expert Witness in Toxicology and
             * DUI
             * Substance Use Disorders                                          Pharmacology
             * Psychopharmacology                                               Benton, AR
                                                                                Phone: (815) 955-5838
            (Please see our resume on page 199 for further                      E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 190 for further
                                                                               Ted W. Simon, Ph.D., DABT
                                                                                Ted Simon LLC
                                                                                Winston, GA
                                                                                Phone: (770) 359-9807
                                                                                E-mail: ted@tedsimon-toxicology .com
                                                                                Winston, GA
                                                                                Phone: (770) 359-9807
                                                                                E-mail: ted@tedsimon-toxicology .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 197 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                             111
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