Page 105 - 2024 ALMExperts New England Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New England Edition 2024                                               Sports Injuries

             PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN &                   PSYCHOSOCIAL                 RESPIRATORY FAILURE
             SUFFERING EVALUATION                    EVALUATION
                                                                               Hilary Flanders, MPH, RN-BC, RRT,
            Kevin A. Domingos, PhD           Kevin A. Domingos, PhD            CLNC
             Boston Neuropsychological         Boston Neuropsychological        Beverly, MA
             Services, LLC                     Services, LLC                    Phone: (978) 473-1208
                                                                                E-mail: seaportclinicalconsultants@gmail .com
             Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,     Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,
             Lowell, Massachusetts             Lowell, Massachusetts           (Please see our complete listing under the
             Needham, MA                       Needham, MA                     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
             Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102   Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102  Nursing)
             E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com  E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com
            (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   SHOULDER INJURY
            details.)                        details.)
            Norman R. Klein, PhD, BCFE,                                        Joshua A. Siegel, MD
            FACFE, DABPS                           PSYCHOSOMATIC                Access Sports Medicine &
             Westport, CT                            PSYCHIATRY                 Orthopaedics
             Phone: (917) 744-0100
             E-mail: nrkphd@aol .com                                            Exeter, NH
                                                                                Phone: (603) 775-7575
                                             Jessica Chaudhary, MD              E-mail: jsiegel@accesssportsmed .com
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Medical Doctor     (Please see our resume on page 115 for further
            Forensic Psychology)               Westport, CT
                                               Phone: (206) 240-5536           details.)
                                               E-mail: jessicajchaudhary@gmail .com
            PSYCHOLOGICAL RECORD             (Please see our complete listing under the   SPINAL CORD TRAUMA
               REVIEW (INPATIENT &           following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                   OUTPATIENT)               Psychiatric Disability)
                                                                               Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,
            Kevin A. Domingos, PhD            REGENERATIVE MEDICINE             Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon
             Boston Neuropsychological                                          Brimfield, IL
             Services, LLC                   Rouzbeh R. Taghizadeh,             Phone: (708) 334-6754
             Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,   Ph.D.                              E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com
             Lowell, Massachusetts             President                       (Please see our resume on page 113 for further
             Needham, MA                                                       details.)
             Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102   Kendall Innovations
             E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com  83 Cambridge Pkwy
                                               Cambridge, MA 02142
            (Please see our resume on page 112 for further   Phone: (617) 359-2612  SPORTS INJURIES
            details.)                          E-mail: rouzbeh@alum .mit .edu
                                               Web: http://www .LinkedIn .com/in/Rouzbeh-
            Norman R. Klein, PhD, BCFE,        Taghizadeh                      Joshua A. Siegel, MD
            FACFE, DABPS                       Degrees/Licenses: B .S . (Chemical   Access Sports Medicine &
             Westport, CT                      Engineering); Ph .D (Biological Engineering) .  Orthopaedics
             Phone: (917) 744-0100                                              Exeter, NH
             E-mail: nrkphd@aol .com           Profile: Rouzbeh R . Taghizadeh, Ph .D .   Phone: (603) 775-7575
                                               provides subject matter expertise and expert   E-mail: jsiegel@accesssportsmed .com
            (Please see our complete listing under the   witness testimony for scientific, technical,             MEDICAL EXPERTS
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   regulatory, trade secret and patent claims in   (Please see our resume on page 115 for further
            Forensic Psychology)               the areas of Regenerative Medicine, Blood/  details.)
                                               Tissue Banking, Cellular & Tissue Based
                                               Therapeutics, Stem Cell Bioengineering,
                   PSYCHOLOGY/                 Longevity, Cellular & Tissue Engineering,
                   COUNSELING                  Biotechnology, and Medical Devices . Dr .
                                               Taghizadeh offers more than 20 years of
                                               expertise as a Scientist, Innovator, and
                                               Entrepreneur in the development, processing,
            Norman R. Klein, PhD, BCFE,        manufacturing of tissues, including bone
            FACFE, DABPS                       marrow, umbilical cord (blood & tissue),
             Westport, CT                      amnion, chorion, placenta, adipose (fat), and
             Phone: (917) 744-0100             other organs for clinical and non-clinical use,
             E-mail: nrkphd@aol .com           while considering the complex regulatory,
                                               trade secret, patent claims that arises from
                                               these areas .
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
            Forensic Psychology)

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