Page 27 - ALMExperts 2024 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024                                      Cell Phone Battery Fires

                       BUSES                        BUSINESS/ERP                   CARBON MONOXIDE
            Rapperport Associates, Inc.                                        David Caggiano P.E., P.Eng, CFEI
             Daniel Rapperport               Brooks Hilliard                    David Caggiano Engineering LLC
             Lexington, MA                     Business Automation              Willow Street, PA
             Phone: (781) 862-9001                                              Phone: (717) 371-9005
             Cell: (339) 222-2822              Associates, Inc.                 E-mail: dave@caggianoengineering .com
             E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       11811 N . Tatum Blvd, Ste 3031
                                               Phoenix, AZ 85028-1632          (Please see our complete listing under the
            (Please see our resume on page 137 for further   Phone: (602) 264-9263  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            details.)                          E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com  Mechanical Engineering)
                                               Web: http://www .computerexpertwitness .com
                                                                               Curt M. Freedman, MSEM, PE,
                     BUSINESS                  Profile: Brooks Hilliard has testified more than   CEM, CEA, LEED® AP
                                               60 times as a computer expert witness and
               INTERRUPTION/LOST               has been engaged on more than 100 such   CMF Engineering, Inc.
                      PROFITS                  matters for both plaintiffs and defendants .   President
                                               He has done expert witness and consulting
                                               assignments in 35 states, and has qualified   Longmeadow, MA
                                                                                Phone: (413) 567-1175
                                               as an expert witness on computer software
            Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,       and hardware (including ERP, SCM and CRM   E-mail: cmf .freedman@gmail .com
            ARe                                systems) in both state and federal litigation .   (Please see our resume on page 124 for further
             Litigation Economic & Forensic    His expert witness engagements have   details.)
             Consulting Group LLC              included courtroom and deposition testimony
                                               in lawsuits, arbitrations, mediations and formal
             Drexel Hill, PA                   governmental hearings .
             Phone: (215) 779-5452                                                 CASINOS SECURITY
             E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com

            (Please see our complete listing under the   Mr . Hilliard has worked as a computer and   Rick Santoro CPP
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   management consultant since the 1980s
            Damages)                           including more than 200 computer/software   Interbrief.Org LLC
                                               selection assignment, and has experience in   Ventnor City, NJ
                                               software development, project management,   Phone: (609) 335-5087
                 BUSINESS PLANS/               and computer/software sales and marketing .  E-mail: rick@santoro .expert
                    OPERATIONS               DisputeSoft                       (Please see our resume on page 139 for further
                                             Experts in Software-Related       details.)
            Jeffrey A Goldshine, CPM         Disputes
             Principal                         Dr. Raj Subbu, President &        CELL PHONE BATTERY
             Goldshine Management              Managing Member                             FIRES
             Consulting, LLC                   North Bethesda, MD                                                 EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               Phone: (301) 251-6313
             Chapel Hill, NC                   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
             Phone: (240) 426-2605                                             C.J. Abraham,
             E-mail: goldshine .consulting@gmail .com                           P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
                                             (Please see our resume on page 141 for further
                                             details.)                          FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
            (Please see our resume on page 130 for further
            details.)                                                           Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
                                                                                Great Neck, NY
            Christoph Mlinarchik, JD, CFCM,                                     Phone: (516) 482-5374
                                                                                Cell: (516) 974-7565
            PMP                                                                 E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
             Christoph LLC
             Phone: (703) 732-2877                                             (Please see our resume on page 121 for further
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            Government Contracts)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              15
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