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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                                            ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024

             ____________________  ANDREW SULNER, MSFS, JD                    _____________________

              Certified Forensic Document Examiner ● Attorney/Litigation Consultant ● Certified Fraud Examiner
                               [FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATIONS, LLC]
                     State-of-the-Art Forensic Laboratory – Expert Testimony – Fraud Investigations
                              220 East 57th Street • Suite 200 • New York, New York 10022
                             Tel. (212) 888-8181 • E-mail: [email protected] • Fax (888) 634-4330

              Experience and    Nationally recognized expert witness with forty years of experience in examining documents of all
              Areas of Expertise:   kinds  and providing  expert  testimony  and consulting  services in  civil and  criminal  cases  before
                              Federal,  State  and  County  courts  throughout  the  United  States.  Qualified  to  handle  the  most
                              complex issues concerning the authenticity or fraudulent preparation of documentary evidence.
                              Expert testimony favorably cited in numerous federal and state court judicial decisions.

                              Forensic  services  include  examination  and  identification  of  handwriting,  hand  printing,
                              typewriting,  computer-generated  printing,  stamp  impressions,  paper,  photocopies,  inks  and
                              writing  instruments;  determination  of  forgery  or  authentication  of  signatures;  detection  of
                              erasures,  alterations,  additions  and  substitutions;  decipherment  of  erased,  obliterated  and

                              indented text; examination of Medical Records and Business Records to determine evidence of
                              reconstruction (preparation other than in the ordinary course of business); nondestructive video
                              spectral differentiation of inks, writing instruments and paper; establishing the source of origin
                              and method of preparation of documents; determining the sequence of preparation and relative
                              date  (age)  of  documents  or  entries  thereon;  and  determining  the  integrity  of  electronic
                              documentary evidence.

              Laboratory      State-of-the-art  forensic  testing  and  instrumentation,  including  laboratory  and  mobile  Video
              Resources:      Spectral  Comparison  Systems  for  non-destructive  ink  and  paper  differentiations  and  other
                              probative forensic examinations, Electro-Static Detection Apparatus for lifting latent indentations,
                              Computerized Digital Image Enhancement Systems, and Computer Forensics Tools for evaluating
                              the integrity of digital documents. Portable equipment and scientific instrumentation available for
                              comprehensive forensic examinations and digital imaging/photography of impounded documents
                              or computer drives. In-house preparation of professional demonstrative evidence for use in court.

              Professional    Diplomate  and  Past  President,  Board  of  Forensic  Document  Examiners  (an  FSAB  accredited
              Certifications and   board); Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Board Certified); American Academy of Forensic
              Memberships:    Sciences (Fellow; 2013-14 Jurisprudence Section Chair); ASTM International (Member, Committee
                              on  Forensic  Sciences  and  Subcommittee  on  Questioned  Documents);  The  Society  of  Medical
                              Jurisprudence and Forensic Sciences (Past President); National District Attorneys Association; New
                              York State Bar; Florida Bar; State Bar of California; and District of Columbia Bar.

              Education:      Master  of  Science  degree  in  Forensic  Science  and  Juris  Doctor  degree  (with  Honors),  George
                              Washington University, Washington, DC (1975)

              Representative:   Fortune  500  Corporations;  Major  Banks  and  Insurance  Companies;  Prominent  Law  Firms
              Clients:        throughout the United States; Federal and State Governmental Agencies and Prosecutor’s Offices

              Publications:   Medical Malpractice: Strategic and Practical Principles, New York State Bar Association, 1986 [co-
                              author: Chapter entitled “The Role of the Forensic Document Examiner in Medical Malpractice
                              Cases”];  Using  Experts  for  Evaluating  &  Preparing  Criminal  Cases,  New  Jersey  Institute  of
                              Continuing  Legal  Education,  1999  [co-author,  Chapter  entitled  “Brief  Overview  of  Forensic
                              Document Examination”]; “A Critical Look at Some Needed Reforms in the Landscape of Forensic
                              Science  Education  and  Mentorship  Training  Standards,”  AAFS  Academy  News  Vol. 44, Issue 1,
                              republished  in  Journal  of  Forensic  Document Examination,  Vol.  24  (2014);  and  Sulner,  Andrew
                              (2018)  "Critical  Issues  Affecting  the  Reliability  and  Admissibility  of  Handwriting  Identification
                              Opinion Evidence—How They Have Been Addressed (or Not) Since the 2009 NAS Report, and How
                              They  Should  Be  Addressed  Going  Forward:  A  Document  Examiner Tells All," Seton Hall Law
                              Review: Vol. 48 : Iss. 3, Article 5. Available at:

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