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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                                            ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2024

              Michael N. Wakshull, MS, CQE, PMP, CISA
               PO Box 892965 ● Temecula, CA 92589 ● phone: 951-252-4929 ● [email protected]  ●

              Mike Wakshull is a civil and criminal court-qualified expert witness forensic document examiner. He partners with
              attorneys to dissect evidence, delivering honest, unbiased results in handwritten and computer-generated questioned
              documents. Wakshull applies an objective, verifiable scientific approach (a court requirement) using his scientific
              experience and training to examine questioned documents.  He applies generally-accepted practices such as ASTM,
              ANSI/ASB, SWGDOC, and SAFE standards. He advises clients on the strength of their cases. He engages his well-
              equipped laboratory and large forensic reference library to deliver the best results. Wakshull is skilled at using stories,
              easy-to-understand language, and clear exhibits to explain complex evidence. His courtroom approach teaches and
              involves all the trial participants – judge, jury, and attorneys. He worked cases from 28 states, Canada, Bahrain,

              Malaysia, Mexico, and Hong Kong. He communicates with clients using video conferencing.

              Summary of Qualifications
                Member of Los Angeles County Superior Court Judges Panel of Expert Witnesses
                Testified more than 150 times in civil and criminal trials, depositions, and arbitrations in state and federal court
                Examinations using newest VSC80, ESDA, computer software including Photoshop CC, Acrobat DC, etc.
                Communicates results with clients remotely via internet video conferencing using a teaching approach
                Holds graduate school certificate in forensic document examination
                Certified quality engineer (CQE), Project Management Professional (PMP) certification
                Applies experience in information science, quality engineering, and project management to cases
                Uses forensic detective and investigative techniques to gather and assess the details of a case
                Invited speaker at national/international forensic conferences on document examination research (2009-2023)
                Attends at least two document examiner and/or forensics conferences each year for continuing education

              Examples of Document Examination Services Offered
                Computer-generated examinations & exhibits    Representative document types:
                Handwriting/Hand Printing examination     Deeds & Trusts & wills & contracts
                Altered documents and contracts           Photocopies, PDF, email, digital scans
                Altered computer-generated documents      Notarized forms
                Differentiation of ink & paper examination     Indented writing (second page indentations)
                Electronic documents                      Threatening letters and graffiti
              Professional Organizations
                 Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners – VP      San Diego County Bar Association
                 National Association of Document Examiners     Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
                 Forensic Expert Witness Association (former)     American Society for Quality, Senior Member
                 Riverside County Bar Association         National Speakers Association
              Courses offered by Michael Wakshull for MCLE Credit – CA Bar Approved
                Little Known Secrets About Handwriting Examination   How to Hire a Forensic Expert Witness
                Will Bias Cost You Your Next Case?       Little Known Secrets About Altered Documents
              Conference Participation and Education (partial list)
               2021-2022   American Academy of Forensic Sciences Conference Questioned documents   26.5 hrs
               2009-2023   National Assoc. of Document Examiners Conf. – speaker 2009 2010 2012   20 hrs
                          2016 -2018
               2014-2023   Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners Conference  – speaker & conf. chair   20.5 hrs
               2015       National Institute of Standards and Technology Conference – speaker    24.5 hrs
               2015       Forensic Expert Witness Association Conference – speaker & conf. chair   14 hrs
               2013, 15, 19   Forensic Expert Witness Association Conference              23.4 hrs
               2012 - 23   Association of Forensic Document Examiners Conference  2013, 2018, 2019 speaker   20.5 hrs
               2012       National Association of Document Examiners Conference – speaker & conf. chair   20.5 hrs
               2012       Computer imaging for document examiners: George Reis             7.5 hrs
               2011       Theory and skills using infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV): Emily Will  16 hrs
               2010       Photoshop for document examiners: Gary Herbertson, former FBI QDE unit chief  12 hrs

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