Page 170 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Low Speed Accidents                              ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
                                                                           Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
          LOW SPEED ACCIDENTS                  MACHINE DESIGN              MBA, CFEI, CFII
                                                                             President & CEO
                                                                             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
        Gregg L. Higginbotham             Alpine Engineering & Design, Inc.  LLC
         GLH & Associates                  David Smith, MS, MBA, PE, CSP     Lubbock, TX
         Consulting and Expert Witness     Vice President                    Phone: (806) 368-9811
         Services                          Alpine , UT                       E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         Windsor, CA                       Phone: (801) 763-8484           (Please see our resume on page 395 for further
         Phone: (707) 838-6744             E-mail: dsmith@alpineeng .com
         E-mail: greggh214@comcast .net                                    details.)
                                          (Please see our resume on page 352 for further
        (Please see our resume on page 379 for further   details.)
        details.)                                                               MACHINE SAFETY
                                          Bransford Pickett, P.E., D.F.E.,
        David C. Wells                    BScE, MScBA
         The ACES Inc.                     Systems Engineering & Forensic   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         Edmonds, WA                       Services, Inc.                  MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Phone: (425) 678-0016             Chula Vista, CA                   President & CEO
         Cell: (425) 327-5526              Phone: (619) 977-7693             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         E-mail: The-aces@comcast .net     E-mail: Bapickett@ForensicsEngineering .net
        (Please see our resume on page 406 for further   (Please see our complete listing under the   Lubbock, TX
        details.)                         following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                          Accident Investigation & Failure Analysis)  E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
        John Tyson JD , PE
         Senior Consulting Engineer       Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   (Please see our resume on page 395 for further
         AR Tech Forensic Experts Inc.    MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Encino, CA                        President & CEO
         Phone: (818) 317-1964             Real-World Forensic Engineering,       MACHINERY &
         E-mail: johntysonpe@aol .com
                                           LLC                                      EQUIPMENT
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Lubbock, TX
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (806) 368-9811
        Accident Reconstruction)           E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  Alpine Engineering & Design, Inc.
                                                                             David Smith, MS, MBA, PE, CSP
                                          (Please see our resume on page 395 for further   Vice President
                  MACHINE                 details.)                          Alpine , UT
                                                                             Phone: (801) 763-8484
                                               MACHINE DESIGN                E-mail: dsmith@alpineeng .com
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                             (PATENT)               (Please see our resume on page 352 for further
         President & CEO                                                   details.)
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Alpine Engineering & Design, Inc.  Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         LLC                               David Smith, MS, MBA, PE, CSP   MBA, CFEI, CFII
         Lubbock, TX                       Vice President
         Phone: (806) 368-9811                                               President & CEO
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  Alpine , UT                    Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                           Phone: (801) 763-8484             LLC
        (Please see our resume on page 395 for further   E-mail: dsmith@alpineeng .com  Lubbock, TX
        details.)                                                            Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                          (Please see our resume on page 352 for further   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
        John Tyson JD , PE
         Senior Consulting Engineer                                        (Please see our resume on page 395 for further
         AR Tech Forensic Experts Inc.         MACHINE GUARDS              details.)
         Encino, CA
         Phone: (818) 317-1964
         E-mail: johntysonpe@aol .com                                             MACHINERY &
                                          Bransford Pickett, P.E., D.F.E.,   EQUIPMENT VALUATION
        (Please see our complete listing under the   BScE, MScBA
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Systems Engineering & Forensic
        Accident Reconstruction)           Services, Inc.                  BTI Appraisal
                                           Chula Vista, CA                   Ben F. Tunnell III
                                           Phone: (619) 977-7693
                                           E-mail: Bapickett@ForensicsEngineering .net  Chairman
                                                                             Glendale, CA
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (213) 532-3800
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   E-mail: ben@btiappraisal .com
                                          Accident Investigation & Failure Analysis)
                                                                           (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:

        148                                                       Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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