Page 142 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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Insurance                                        ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
                                                                           David E. Pilcher, CPCU, ARM, AIC,
        Robert M. Anderson                Mitchell Lee Lathrop             AAI
         The Anderson Edge                 Law Office of Mitchell            Risk Management, Insurance,
         1901 Windward Lane                L. Lathrop                        Claims, and Litigation Support
         Newport Beach, CA 92660           One America Plaza                 Services
         Phone: (949)  645-6842            600 West Broadway, Suite 500      Monrovia, CA
         E-mail: bob@theandersonedge .com  San Diego, CA 92101-3357          Phone: (626) 533-5679
         Web: http://www .theandersonedge .com  Phone: (619) 955-5951        E-mail: david@davidpilcher .com
                                           Alt . Phone: (619) 985-8262
         Degrees/Licenses: CPCU            Fax: (619) 566-4034             (Please see our resume on page 396 for further
                                           E-mail: mllathrop@earthlink .net  details.)
         Profile: Trusted by 32 of the Top 100   Web: http://www .LathropADR .com
         Insurance Law Firms (list provided upon                           Pauline Thomas, CRM,
         request)                          Degrees/Licenses: B .S . (Engineering); J .D .
                                           Licensed to practice law in California, the   CIC, ARM, CISR
         Bob began his career as a casualty   District of Colombia and New York  Principal
         underwriter for Pacific Indemnity Company                           Effective Risk
         (Chubb) and later for Industrial Indemnity   Profile: Expert on insurance and reinsurance,   Management
         Company . Bob also served as president,   and professional responsibility of lawyers .
         chief executive officer, and chairman of the   Expertise includes insurance coverage,   P . O . Box 2192,
         board of well-known Anderson & Anderson   policy interpretation, claim handling, excess &   Costa Mesa, CA 926282192
         Insurance Brokers . Over nearly 30 years, he   surplus lines, standard of care and standard   Phone: (949) 251-1500
         built Anderson & Anderson from a four-person   of conduct for brokers and agents, treaty and   E-mail: EffectivRM@aol .com
         company to the fifth-largest brokerage firm   facultative reinsurance, and standard of care
         in California until the time of its sale to AON   and standard of conduct for lawyers .  Degrees/Licenses: Certified Risk Manager,
         Corporation . At Aon, Bob was the president                         Certified Insurance Counselor; Associate
         of the Aon Advantage Group which advised                            in Risk Management; Certified Insurance
         20 industry practice leaders such as the                            Service Representative; Licensed in 10 states
         Hospitality Group which insured Hotels,                             as a producer (agent / broker) or consultant .
         Resorts, and Casinos .
                                                                             Profile: Insurance and risk management
         Bob attended the Harvard Business School’                           professional . 52+ years’; experience with
         OPM program which is a concentrated   Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.  personal and commercial insurance . Includes
         program for business owners and managers   G. Michael Phillips      insurance company, retail agent / broker /
         similar to its MBA program . He earned                              producer, wholesale agent / broker / producer,
         his CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty   3452 E . Foothill Blvd .    intermediary, excess and surplus lines,
         Underwriter) designation in 1970 from the   Suite 220               managing agent, general agent, underwriting,
         American Institute for Property and Liability   Pasadena, CA 91107  risk management and insurance consulting .
         Underwriters, Inc .               Phone: (626) 744-3540             Faculty Member, Big “I” Virtual University
                                           E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com    Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers
        (Please see our resume on page 353 for further   Web: http://www .rule26 .com  of America . Past President, Society of Risk
        details.)                                                            Management Consultants .
                                           Profile: Our expert witnesses and consultants
                                           provide services in economics, finance,   Practice includes transactional consulting and
                                           statistics, valuation, forensic accounting,   expert witness including case evaluation and
                                           data analysis, and computer modeling . We   organization, declarations, reports, deposition
                                           blend active academic careers with real-world   and trial testimony . Help professionals and
                                           experience and modern analytical methods,   laypersons understand insurance and risk
                                           helping us to solve difficult and complex   management industry transactions and
                                           problems . Some areas we address include   customs and practices and standard of care,
                                           complex commercial litigation, intellectual   good faith, bad faith .
                                           property valuation, trade secrets analysis,
                                           contract damages,  lost profits, employment   Experience, education and training includes
                                           and compensation issues, class actions,   property, inland marine, wet marine, builders
                                           discrimination claims, wrongful death,   risk, course of construction, crime, general
                                           personal injury, toxic torts, construction   liability, automobile liability, umbrellas, excess
                                           defects, investment issues, accounting issues,   liability, workers compensation, homeowners,
                                           business valuation, forecasting, database   medical malpractice, employment practices
                                           analysis and projects, to name a few .   liability, professional liability, wrap ups,
                                           Strategically located in Southern California,   E&O, occurrence v . claims made, PEOs,
                                           our firm enjoys an international clientele. Visit   contractual liability, additional insureds,
                                           our website at http://www .rule26 .com for more   certificates, claims. Traditional insurance and
                                           information on how we can help address   alternative risk programs, captives, self-
                                           economics, statistics, finance, valuation,   insurance, large deductibles, retrospective
                                           forensic accounting, and data intensive   rating, purchasing groups, risk retention
                                           analysis issues you may face .    groups . Design and marketing of insurance
                                                                             programs and design and interpretation of
                                          (Please see our resume on page 392 for further   insurance clauses in lease agreements,
                                          details.)                          construction contracts and other business
                                                                             contracts .

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