Page 121 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024                  Footprint/Shoe Identification

                      FLOORS                             FMLA                           FOAM PITS

            BRIAN SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS,    Beth Brascugli De Lima, MBA,      C.J. Abraham,
            CSDS, CMCC, CFSC                 SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP                  P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,
             DAVID SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS      Principal/ President             FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC
             SPIEGEL PROPERTY DAMAGE           HRM Consulting, Inc.             Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
             CONSULTING AND FORENSICS          Murphys, California              Great Neck, NY
             LaVerne, CA                       Phone: (209) 728-8905            Phone: (516) 482-5374
             Phone: (909) 596-5573             E-mail: bdelima@hrmconsulting .com  Cell: (516) 974-7565
             Cell: (909) 241-0711            blank                              E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
             Toll Free Phone: (800) 266-8988   Murphys, CA
             E-mail: Brian@SpiegelExpertServices .com                          (Please see our resume on page 349 for further
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the   details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 403 for further   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            details.)                        ADA Employment)
                                                                                    FOOD EQUIPMENT/
                                             Jay M. Finkelman, PhD, MBA, MLS,          MACHINERY
                FLOORS/FLOORING              ABPP, CPE
                                               Affiliate Professor, Industrial
                                               & Business Psych Dept. The      Alpine Engineering & Design, Inc.
            BRIAN SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS,      Chicago School: California Univ.   David Smith, MS, MBA, PE, CSP
            CSDS, CMCC, CFSC                   that trains HR Professionals     Vice President
             DAVID SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS      across the U.S.                  Alpine , UT
             SPIEGEL PROPERTY DAMAGE           San Diego, CA                    Phone: (801) 763-8484
             CONSULTING AND FORENSICS          Phone: (213) 615-7267            E-mail: dsmith@alpineeng .com
             LaVerne, CA                       Cell: (213) 361-6106
             Phone: (909) 596-5573             E-mail: [email protected]  (Please see our resume on page 352 for further
             Cell: (909) 241-0711                                              details.)
             Toll Free Phone: (800) 266-8988  (Please see our resume on page 371 for further
             E-mail: Brian@SpiegelExpertServices .com  details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 403 for further   Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA  IDENTIFICATION
            details.)                          Professor (Emeritus) of Human
                                               Resource Management
                                               at prestigious California       George Schiro
                                               university                       Consulting Forensic Scientist
                                               Fullerton, CA                    Scales Biological Laboratory, Inc.
                                               Phone: (714) 879-9705            Brandon, MS
                                               Cell: (714) 595-1891             Phone: (601) 825-3211
                                               E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Alt . Phone: (337) 322-2724   EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               bkleiner@fullerton .edu          E-mail: gjschiro@cs .com
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the   (Please see our resume on page 400 for further
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   details.)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              99
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