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Failure Analysis (Metallurgy)                    ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024
                                           •  Intellectual Property Law: Patent Review /
             FAILURE ANALYSIS              Infringement, Breach of Confidentiality, Trade   FAIR MARKET VALUE
                                           Secret Violation - Mechanical / Electrical
               (METALLURGY)                issues                           (SECURITIES/COMMODITY
                                                                              FUTURES & OPTIONS)
                                           Call today for a free initial consultation .
                                           Please visit our web site at http://www .
                                           ExpertEngineering .com for more information .
                                          (Please see our resume on page 395 for further
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD,
        PE, DFE, MBA, CFEI,                      FAIR HOUSING              Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC.
        CFII                                                                 G. Michael Phillips
         President & CEO                                                     3452 E . Foothill Blvd .
         Real-World Forensic              James H. Cantrell, CPM®, CAM       Suite 220
         Engineering, LLC                  Cantrell Associates               Pasadena, CA 91107
                                                                             Phone: (626) 744-3540
         2309 19th Street                  San Francisco, CA                 E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com
         Lubbock, TX 79424                 Phone: (415) 956-6000             Web: http://www .rule26 .com
         Phone: (806) 368-9811             Cell: (415) 244-5927
         Fax: (806) 368-9812               E-mail: jimcha@pacbell .net       Profile: Our expert witnesses and consultants
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com                                 provide services in economics, finance,
         Web: http://www .ExpertEngineering .com  (Please see our resume on page 358 for further   statistics, valuation, forensic accounting,
                                          details.)                          data analysis, and computer modeling . We
         Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D ., M .Eng ., M .S .,                        blend active academic careers with real-world
         and M .B .A . Educated Staff in Mechanical   Steven D. Epcar, CPM®  experience and modern analytical methods,
         Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and   S. D. Epcar and Associates  helping us to solve difficult and complex
         Forensic Science Disciplines. Board-certified   Granite Bay, CA     problems . Some areas we address include
         Professional Engineer by National Academy   Phone: (916) 899-6218   complex commercial litigation, intellectual
         of Forensic Engineers, Diplomat Forensic   Cell: (650) 773-5482     property valuation, trade secrets analysis,
         Engineer, Licensed Professional Engineers   E-mail: steven@stevenepcar .com  contract damages,  lost profits, employment
         (PE) and Certified Fire and Explosion                               and compensation issues, class actions,
         Investigators (CFEI) .           (Please see our resume on page 370 for further   discrimination claims, wrongful death,
                                          details.)                          personal injury, toxic torts, construction
         Profile: Professional Engineers who are                             defects, investment issues, accounting issues,
         University Professors and  Internationally                          business valuation, forecasting, database
         Recognized Researchers, supported                                   analysis and projects, to name a few .
         by Engineering and Legal Professionals                              Strategically located in Southern California,
         Specializing in Failure Analysis, Forensic                          our firm enjoys an international clientele. Visit
         Engineering, and Intellectual Property                              our website at http://www .rule26 .com for more
         Evaluation .                                                        information on how we can help address
                                                                             economics, statistics, finance, valuation,
         AREAS OF EXPERTISE                                                  forensic accounting, and data intensive
         Mechanical Engineering                                              analysis issues you may face .
         Design of Mechanical Systems
         Failure Analysis of Components & Machinery                        (Please see our resume on page 392 for further
         Metallurgical Engineering / Corrosion                             details.)
         Dynamics of Impact, Collision & Explosion
         Friction Analysis / Falls, Slips & Trips
         Products Liability / Reliability / Safety
         Patent Review / Infringement Issues                                           FALLS

         Electrical Engineering                                            Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,
         Design of Electrical Systems                                      FACS
         Electrocution / Electrical Switch Malfunction
         Electrical Fires Cause & Origin                                     Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon
         Electrical Switch Malfunction                                       Brimfield, IL
         Component Failure Analysis                                          Phone: (708) 334-6754
         Grounding / Lightning Protection                                    E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com
         High-Voltage / Current Power Systems
         Lab Testing for Impulse & Lightning Load                          (Please see our resume on page 423 for further
         PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Since 1988,
         RWFE has provided engineering services to                         Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
         industries and government labs, as well as                        MBA, CFEI, CFII
         litigation support to both plaintiff and defense                    President & CEO
         attorneys practicing in the following areas of
         law:                                                                Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         •  Product Liability / Personal Injury Law:                         Lubbock, TX
         Component Defect and Safety                                         Phone: (806) 368-9811
                                                                             E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
         •  Premises Liability: Slips, Trips and Falls,
         Evaluation of Slip Resistance                                     (Please see our resume on page 395 for further

        90                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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